Scientific Programme
Tuesday 25 November 2014
Pre-Congress Meeting: Reunião da ASPIC com associações de doentes
Chairs: Manuel Sobrinho Simões, Jorge Soares, Alfredo Carrato, Leonor David
12.30 Registration and Poster mounting
Opening Session
Symposium I: Early cancer detection
Chairs: António Dias Pereira, Carla Oliveira
14.00 Rebecca Fitzgerald . United Kingdom
Changing the face of cancer through early detection: examples of new technologies for oesophageal cancer
15.00 selected oral presentations
Pedro Castelo-Branco . Tert Hypermethylated Oncological Region - THOR predicts biochemical relapse amongst prostate cancer patients.
José Luis Costa . Detection of somatic alterations in plasma from lung cancer patients.
Lúcia Brandão . Autonomous electrochemical biosensor for cancer screening.
Hugo Pinheiro . Identification of rare CDH1 non-coding variants in Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer.
Andreia V. Pinho . Loss of Slit-Robo signalling in the pancreas increases the severity of pancreatitis.
Sonia A. Melo . Cancer Exosomes Perform Cell-Independent MicroRNA Biogenesis and Promote Tumorigenesis.
16.30 Coffee-Break
Symposium II: New research approaches from ASPIC –ASEICA
Chairs: Alfredo Carrato (Spain), Leonor David (Portugal)
17.00 Manuel Serrano . Spain
Pre-clinical and clinical data on the efficacy of anti-Notch therapies for lung adenocarcinomas
18.00 Paula Soares . Portugal
Telomerase promoter mutations in cancer: an emerging molecular biomarker?
18.30 Goreti Sales . Portugal
New biosensors to monitor cancer biomarkers
19.00 - 19:30
ASPIC General Assembly
Congress Dinner
Wednesday 26 November 2014
Symposium III: Cancer genes – What did we learn from them?
Chairs: João Nuno Moreira, Sergio Dias
09.00 Moshe Oren . Israel
The many faces of P53.
10.00 selected oral presentations
Marta Pojo . HOXA9 Promotes Glioblastoma Initiation, Aggressiveness and Resistance to Therapy.
Daniel Ribeiro . Flexible IL-7-mediated regulation of autophagy promotes T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell viability.
Rita Pinto . Establishment of an inducible cdx2 ko/ki model using zinc finger nucleases: impact on the intestinal phenotype.
Richard Hill . TRIB2-mediated AKT activation provides melanoma cells with a novel regulatory mechanism underlying drug resistance.
11.00 Coffee-break
11.30 Manuel Teixeira . Portugal
Li-Fraumeni syndrome: the prime example of pleiotropism in cancer predisposition.
12.00 Branca Cavaco . Portugal
Identification of familial cancer susceptibility genes – novel genomic approaches.
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Poster session
Chairs: Carla Oliveira, Carmen Jerónimo, Deolinda Pereira, João Barata, João Nuno Moreira, Maria Gomes da Silva, Paulo Matos, Pedro Lazo-Zbikowski, Peter Jordan, Sergio Dias.
Symposium IV: Mechanisms and implications of tumour heterogeneity
Chairs: João Barata, José Dinis Silva
14.30 Samuel Aparicio . Canada
EACR sponsored lecture
Clonal evolution and cancer medicine
15.00 selected oral presentations
Carla Oliveira . Through the looking glass: the reversion of EMT.
Claudia C. Faria . Targeting of the HGF/cMET pathway in metastatic medulloblastoma.
Ana-Rita Pedrosa . Blocking Jagged1/2 inhibits prostate tumor development in a murine model of prostate adenocarcinoma (TRAMP).
Marta L. Pinto . Macrophage differentiation is modulated by decellularized human colorectal cancer matrices.
16.00 Luís Costa . Portugal
Cancer Metastases: is bone a useful paradigm?
16.30 Coffee-break