Abstracts Please enter the author names for this abstract. No more than 10 authors can be listed with their institutional affiliations, cities and countries. Authors and Affiliations * Presenting Author Email Topics for Abstract * - Select -1. Cell and Tumour Biology2. Cancer Genomics, Epigenetics and Genomic Instability3. Signalling Pathways4. Carcinogenesis5. Clinical and Translational Research6. Experimental / Molecular Therapeutics, Pharmacogenomics7. Tumour Immunology8. Radiobiology / Radiation Oncology9. Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology10. Prevention and Early Detection11. Other Presentation Preference - None -Oral PosterPoster Only Please indicate presentation preferences Abstract Title The title should be brief and reflect the content of the abstract. Do not use non-standart abbreviations. Commercial names are not allowed (generic names only). Abstract Text Abstracts should be organised under the headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. The online abstract submission procedure will not accept abstracts that exceed 2.500 characters (body of the abstract). Supplementary data or appendices will not be accepted. Please write the abstract text Conflict of Interest Statement Regarding My Abstract I/we (In case of co-authors) have no potencial conflict or interest to disclose. I/we (In case of co-authors) have an interest in relation with one or more organisations that could be perceived as a possible conflict of interest in the context of the subject of this abstract. The relationship(s) is (are) summarised below: Textarea Abstract Overview When finished with the online submission, please click the button "SUBMIT NOW" for the final submission of the abstract. As a confirmation of your submission, a message will appear on the screen informing you the abstract has been submitted to our database. Please remember that the deadline for submission is 30 September 2014. The presenting author will receive a confirmation by e-mail as soon as possible. This confirmation of abstract submission does not mean your abstract has been selected for presentation. If you do not receive any confirmation, please contact Luisa Melo ([email protected]). Submitting an abstract for ASPIC congress does not constitute registration for the congress. Abstract presenters must register to attend ASPIC congress by following the instructions for registration on the website.